NME - Arctic Monkeys

Central Image


Direct address has been used 'What's Yours' this is aimed at the reader, furthermore the colour is in red as this is opposite to blue therefore standing out. The writing saying 'The record that changed my life' is in white attracts attention as it contrasts with the black shirt, in addition the writing is also much larger than any other text on the page for the same reason. The words 'changed my life' is used as a lure to influence the reader. A variety of colours have been used to create different effects.
Cover Line

Sans serif has been used to keep the magazine quite classy and stylish. The colours of the text varies from blue to white and repeats the pattern this looks intriguing and unusual to the audience. The cover line has shadows behind the text to give the effect of three dimensional writing, furthermore the black helps the writing to contrast with the background. The blue writing is bold because the editor wants to creating an alluring effect. This would appeal to the target audience because it looks unique.
The banner is located at the top of the page following conventions. An opaque banner has been used as the editor did not want this to be a focused point. Half the writing is in black and the other in red as this adheres to conventions as well as producing a divide on the page.
In this case the puff is a promotion. Many colours have been used within the puff to look inviting and exciting. The puff looks to be a ribbon at the top this is quite unusual but effective. 'The Ultimate Guide' is wrote in bold to catch the readers eye. All of the text within the puff is uppercase as is the rest of the writing on the front cover of the magazine. The word 'gig' links to Stuart Halls theory of 'the process by which members of a culture use language... to provide meaning' the word appeals to a younger audience as they refer to concerts as gigs.
Buzz Word
The buzz word is reveal this is very intriguing as the reader wants to find out what is being revealed in the article. Furthermore there is a black shadow behind the white lettering, this contrasts as well as creating a sense of projection.
Bar code

The bar code is a convention that is used as without this the magazine would be unable to be sold. In addition the bar code is always placed towards the bottom corners.
How this has influenced my planning and creativity
- I will take into consideration of placing shadows behind certain words to create a three dimensional effect.
- Also the puff looks exciting as the shape is unusual.
- In addition I like the use of colour for certain parts of writing to draw attention there.
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