The Fly - The Vaccines

The masthead is in bold and black, this is because it links to the genre of the magazine as this is indie. The Fly magazine uses white or black as there masthead colours usually because this keeps it different but still recognisable. The masthead is quite large and is located towards the top of the magazine as this adhers to the conventions of magazines. Sans serif is used to keep the title easily readable as well as linking to the genre. One of the band members head and a puff covers part of the masthead therefore suggesting that this magazine is very well known. The house style remains the same throughout all of The Fly's magazines as this creates a brand identity as well as being distinct to the reader. Black has connotations of power, elegance and mystery this adhers to the genre of the magazine as well as the central image.
Central Image

Cover Line
The Vaccines is wrote in sans serif and is in bold uppercase lettering, this is because this is very distinct to the customer. The writing is also in pink this contrasts with the background and creates more colour within the front cover. The word 'shot' has been used to encourage the reader because it's a strong and powerful word, this is called a buzz/tag word.

The puff shown on the right is shown on each of The Fly magazine articles and also covers up part of the masthead each time. This is because the magazine is recognisable as well as being a buzz word which engages with the reader. The puffs are in a bright yellow and add colour to the front cover, also this is attracts the consumers attention.
The banner is placed across the bottom of the page so it doesn't become a main feature. An opaque banner has been used because it doesn't want to distract the customer's attention away from the article, this is common convention that The Fly use with there magazines. The writing is also in pink adding more colour to the article, however the word 'plus' is wrote in black this is a tag word.

How this research has influened my planning and creativity
- I really like how the banner is opaque this appeals to me as this is very unique.
- I also like the bright colours that have been used because it adds character.
- Also what appeals to me is the buzz words that have been used because this entices readers.
- I will consider using the bright pink as this stands out.
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