NME Catfish & the Bottlemen

The writing in the masthead is in a vibrant red, this is because it is a bright colour and can attract the attention of the reader. Red also has connotations of danger which relates to the magazine genre as they are quite boisterous. The font used is sans serif, this is because the font is bold and readable. NME abbreviates for New Music Express, this is well suited for the magazine as it promotes new music. The position of the masthead is located at the top left, this is a common place to put the masthead. The size of the masthead is quite small compared to other music magazines like Kerrang and Acoustic, this is because NME is usually quite busy. This edition of the music magazine is a special edition, this is placed in a blue box-out, therefore appealing to the audience and standing out. The word 'special' is a buzz word, this entices the consumer as this means something is different about this article. The writing in the box-out is used like a stencil this is unorthodox and creates an effective style.
Central Image

central image is of Van McCann a member of the band Catfish & the Bottlemen. This photograph has little
white space in the background, this is because the cover stories cover them up. The background is blue, therefore drawing a connection with the
colour scheme in this article. The photograph is a medium close up this is to show the face clearly, suggesting that our attention should be focused there. Van McCann uses direct address as he's staring directly into the camera this adheres to the conventions of magazines, this creates a connection with the customer. Green's theory was men are viewed for the pleasure of women, this relates to Van McCann as he is staring directly into the camera which links with the pull quote, therefore showing a bad side to him. In addition this links with Dyers theory of 'a star is an image' as e is perceived to be a bad boy when he may not be. The outfit worn by Van McCann is quite dark colours this links to the genre of music because the music is distinct like the clothing. McCann also wears sunglasses in this photograph to give the effect of himself being 'cool' and 'shady', this links to the pull quote 'Am I the bad boy of rock, then?'.

Head Line
The pull quote used gives an insight into the article and entices the customer. Many different colours have been used here to create varied effects. A blue box-out has been applied for 'Am I the bad boy of rock, then?' this is because the blue contrasts of the background. A white box-out has been used for the name of the band and black writing has been used because these colours are opposites, therefore being one of the first things you look at. Also a yellow box-out has been used because this is a bright colour. All of these colours link to the colour scheme. Alliteration has been applied 'bad boy' this is used as a buzz to engage readers.
These graphics are advertisements which are used to intrigue the reader as this may be interesting the the reader as it is about a music festival. 'T In The Park' is wrote in bold writing because this is the place of the festival and is a very well known, therefore standing out to the audience so they can see this first.
Cover Lines
cover lines are used to give the reader a sneak peak to what is inside the magazine. Bold writing has been used in the titles because this is what people see first because of the size of it. A red line has been used to underline the titles because red contrasts with the background and the black writing.
Bar code and Date Line

bar code is present on the front of the magazine because if it wasn't there the magazine would not be able to be bought. The
date and
price is located on the
bar code as this isn't relevant to the article and would be an eyesore.
How this research has influenced my planning and creativity
- I like how box-outs have been used in different colours to create varied effects.
- I will make my model look directly into the camera as this creates direct address.
- Another thing I like is the pull quotes, this gives you an insight to what the article is about.
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