Billboard - Beyoncé
The mastheads colour is vibrant colours as this grabs the audiences attention. Furthermore the masthead is the most colourful part of the magazine. The masthead is positioned at the centre top and covers one fifth of the page as the audience will recognise the magazine by the masthead. In addition this adheres to conventions as this is a common place for the masthead. Although Billboard do not always locate their masthead towards the top and do not always use the same colour. The font is sans serif as this is very formal and plain.
Central Image

This image is of Beyoncé, an R&B pop artist. The image covers the whole page but leaves a little part of the corner showing therefore showing that the background is a studio, this means that artificial light has been used to create light in certain places. The camera shot is a close up as the photographer wanted to emphasise the artists facial expression. In addition Beyoncé's facial expressions seems to be very seductive therefore linking to Mulveys theory of 'women are viewed for the pleasure of men' this image therefore intrigues men because of her pose. Furthermore Beyoncé stares into the camera, this follows conventions of a front cover as most models look into the camera to make a connection with the reader. Also a prop has been used in the same way to create a promiscuous appearance. Also Beyoncé has her nails painted red, the connotations of red are danger and power, therefore suggesting she has a bad side to her. In addition this links to Richard Dyers theory of 'a star is an image' as Beyoncé may not have this attitude but is perceived to. Her hair seems to be quite wild and appear to look thick this suggests that its quite unkept. Her makeup is very subtle as the colours are browns and red therefore looking quite natural. This image appeals to men more than women but the magazine is unisex. The genre of the Billboard magazine is pop therefore appealing to a target audience from 16 - 30 year olds as the artists music will appeal to them.
Head Line

Cover Lines
The cover lines are located to the left and make the front cover look neat and organised. The same font of sans serif has been used throughout the cover lines as they want to keep this formal. The writing is in white this is used for all of the text on the page, therefore creating synergy through colour. One bit of text is larger and bolder this is 'NYC', because this is a major city in America the audience will be drawn to it.
The date line is located above the bar code, this is because the date doesn't play a major part on the front cover. The date is also very precise, unlike many other magazines which only state the month, this shows that this magazine publishes more than 1 article a month. Also the colour of writing here is white a like the rest it links to the magazine through synergy.
Bar Code

How this has influenced my planning and creativity
- I will take into consideration of creating synergy through colour.
- I'll also place my bar code at the bottom to follow conventions.
- I shall organise my cover lines so they look neat.
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