In the first contents page that I analysed I especially like how Q have created a section saying 'the Q review', this appeals to me because it's very unique. Furthermore some of the images placed on the contents page are in a collage, this will be useful for me because it aims at the target audience I desire. In addition the bright puffs are intriguing as also it aims at my target audience, therefore I'll take this into consideration when designing my contents page.
In my second analysis I like the range of fonts that have been used as this engages with the reader and aims at the target audience. Another part of the contents I like is the layout as it's in the form of a collage, similar to 'Q's' contents, therefore showing that they may both aim at the same target audience. I will defiantley add my masthead from the front cover onto the contents page as this creates a house style and also synergy.
In the final analysis of a contents page I liked how the publisher had used a black and white theme throughout the contents page as synergy has been created. Furthermore I especially like how the numbering has been placed upon images as this is different yet very appealing. In addition I like the fonts that have been used as they emphasise certain parts.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Research: Consolidating My Research - Front Covers
In my first magazine I liked how the publisher had used puffs in bright colours to stand out as this would draw attention to my magazine. Another thing I like in the magazine is how the banner has been used in gold to give the magazine a classier look, I will consider doing this in my music magazine. The pull out is also another part of the magazine I like because it is very different and unique.
I looked at another magazine which was a country genre this was different to the other magazine as it isn't cluttered therefore the eye is not distracted. I may consider using a box-out behind tag words as this emphasises the word. Another thing I will take into consideration is covering the masthead with the models head to make the magazine look recognisable.
I will make my model look straight down the camera as this will engage with the reader and adhere to conventions. I will definately include a pull quote because this gives an insight into the magazine article.
Another magazine I looked at was an Indie magazine, this included an opaque banner, I like this because it is very unique. I like the bright colours that have been used on the front cover because they stand out to the audience. I will consider using buzz words on the front cover because this is very enticing and appealing.
I looked at another magazine which was a country genre this was different to the other magazine as it isn't cluttered therefore the eye is not distracted. I may consider using a box-out behind tag words as this emphasises the word. Another thing I will take into consideration is covering the masthead with the models head to make the magazine look recognisable.
I will make my model look straight down the camera as this will engage with the reader and adhere to conventions. I will definately include a pull quote because this gives an insight into the magazine article.
Another magazine I looked at was an Indie magazine, this included an opaque banner, I like this because it is very unique. I like the bright colours that have been used on the front cover because they stand out to the audience. I will consider using buzz words on the front cover because this is very enticing and appealing.
Friday, 28 October 2016
Research: Contents Page Photographs

I have looked on the internet at images to place on my contents page, if I use these I will take my own photographs and recreate these images. These images are very different and would be great to put on my contents page. I thought a vinyl looks quite retro and links to the indie theme and masthead I have chosen.
These photographs were taken by me when I went to a few concerts. These photographs are of indie bands The 1975 and Catfish & the Bottlemen. I thought that these images would be ideal for the contents page as these link to the genre and show what an indie concert is like. I like how in this image the lead singer Matt Healy does this pose which he does in a music video this shows that he is quite silly in the way he acts. Also many of these images are quite dark also linking to my other post about editing photographs.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Research: Indie Photograph Edits
I have looked online to research on how Indie photographs have been edited, I thought of creating this post as when I create my music magazine I can refer to these images. Many of these images are edited to look darker and more nostalgic than they are.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Research: Double Page Spread 2

- I like how the publisher has placed the target in the background of the article, I will consider using this.
- In addition I will also consider placing my page numbers on something that relates to my genre.
- I will use synergy by linking colours together.
Monday, 24 October 2016
Research: Front Cover 7 - Billboard (Indie)

Billboard - Florence & the Machine
The masthead has been covered by the artist as this suggests that the magazine is well known and can easily be recognised. Furthermore the masthead covers one fifth of the page and is positioned at the top. This adheres to the conventions as well as creating a house style for Billboard. The font is in sans serif as this keeps the magazine looking formal as well as keeping it classy. In addition the colours within the masthead are bright and very distinct, this lures the audiences attention.
This image is of Florence Welch a member of the band Florence & the machine. The music genre is indie pop/ rock. The camera shot is a medium long shot as the photographer wanted the background and shadows to be visible. In addition this is a studio shot therefore artificial light has been applied to create shadows on the artist as well as the background. The size of the image covers half of the page and is positioned in the middle of the front cover. Welch stares into the camera as this creates a connection with the reader, this adheres to conventions. Welch is placed in quite a provocative pose as she reveals her leg, this links to Laura Mulvey's theory of 'women are viewed for the pleasure of men' therefore this central image interests men. Welch's dress is red, this has connotations of danger, love and lust, therefore creating an attitude and appearance. Furthermore this links with Dyers theory of 'a star is an image, not a real person' therefore suggesting she is a star image. her representation is strong, modern and at times controversial. She has been directed to pose in an arrogant way, her posture is voyeuristic and challenging. Welch's makeup links to the dress worn as both are red, however the tones are lighter. Synergy has been created through this image because red and white occur throughout. Furthermore the only colours that are used are red and the colours within the masthead.
This headline is located towards the bottom of the page and the font is quite small, however the colour does contrast with the background, therefore making the headline more visible. A lure has also been used 'on her own terms' this intrigues the reader as they want to know what she's doing. The name of the band is located towards the middle of the page and laid out in a tic-tac toe look. This is unusual as I have never seen this before.

The cover lines are located towards the sides of the front cover, this creates an organised and neat appearance. Serif has been applied as this is most appropriate font for the front cover, this also links with the rest of the fonts on the page. Box outs have been used on the cover lines as this makes features stand out. The white contrasts with the grey background therefore making the text stand out. The writing used in the box outs are black this is so all the colours don't merge, also because they want the reader to focus on these first.
The banner used is opaque this is because the editor wants the image to still be visible. The colour of the text is white as this contrasts with the red dress and hair, therefore drawing the readers attention here.
The dateline is located with other not so important features, I know that this magazine publishes more than one magazine per month as the day has been specified.
The bar code adheres to conventions as it is placed on the front of the magazine as well as towards the bottom.
Another feature is the price, this is small and placed at the very bottom of the magazine because the publisher doesn't want this to be focused on.
How this has influenced my creativity
I need to think about:
Central Image

Head Line
This headline is located towards the bottom of the page and the font is quite small, however the colour does contrast with the background, therefore making the headline more visible. A lure has also been used 'on her own terms' this intrigues the reader as they want to know what she's doing. The name of the band is located towards the middle of the page and laid out in a tic-tac toe look. This is unusual as I have never seen this before.
Cover Lines

The cover lines are located towards the sides of the front cover, this creates an organised and neat appearance. Serif has been applied as this is most appropriate font for the front cover, this also links with the rest of the fonts on the page. Box outs have been used on the cover lines as this makes features stand out. The white contrasts with the grey background therefore making the text stand out. The writing used in the box outs are black this is so all the colours don't merge, also because they want the reader to focus on these first.

The banner used is opaque this is because the editor wants the image to still be visible. The colour of the text is white as this contrasts with the red dress and hair, therefore drawing the readers attention here.
Other Features

How this has influenced my creativity
I need to think about:
- where to place my banners/ bar code
- How to pose my model
- Where to have the dateline
- adding an email/ webiste for my magazine
Sunday, 23 October 2016
Research: Locations in Indie Magazines

Saturday, 22 October 2016
Research: Indie Music Magazines

Under The Reader is also an American owned company. These magazines tend to have a lot more writing so therefore being informative.

The Fly was a British magazine but finished publishing in 2014. This magazine was dedicated to articles, interviews and also promoting new releases. As there was/is only one British indie magazine this shows theres a gap in the market for indie.

There are other magazine companies that link to the genre indie but not many magazines aim specifically at Indie.
In conclusions I found that from my research indie magazines tend to have minimal writing on, I shall therefore break conventions in my music magazine as I want to create a new market for he indie genre.
Research: Front Cover 6 - NME (Indie)

NME - Arctic Monkeys

Central Image


Direct address has been used 'What's Yours' this is aimed at the reader, furthermore the colour is in red as this is opposite to blue therefore standing out. The writing saying 'The record that changed my life' is in white attracts attention as it contrasts with the black shirt, in addition the writing is also much larger than any other text on the page for the same reason. The words 'changed my life' is used as a lure to influence the reader. A variety of colours have been used to create different effects.
Cover Line

Sans serif has been used to keep the magazine quite classy and stylish. The colours of the text varies from blue to white and repeats the pattern this looks intriguing and unusual to the audience. The cover line has shadows behind the text to give the effect of three dimensional writing, furthermore the black helps the writing to contrast with the background. The blue writing is bold because the editor wants to creating an alluring effect. This would appeal to the target audience because it looks unique.
The banner is located at the top of the page following conventions. An opaque banner has been used as the editor did not want this to be a focused point. Half the writing is in black and the other in red as this adheres to conventions as well as producing a divide on the page.
In this case the puff is a promotion. Many colours have been used within the puff to look inviting and exciting. The puff looks to be a ribbon at the top this is quite unusual but effective. 'The Ultimate Guide' is wrote in bold to catch the readers eye. All of the text within the puff is uppercase as is the rest of the writing on the front cover of the magazine. The word 'gig' links to Stuart Halls theory of 'the process by which members of a culture use language... to provide meaning' the word appeals to a younger audience as they refer to concerts as gigs.
Buzz Word
The buzz word is reveal this is very intriguing as the reader wants to find out what is being revealed in the article. Furthermore there is a black shadow behind the white lettering, this contrasts as well as creating a sense of projection.
Bar code

The bar code is a convention that is used as without this the magazine would be unable to be sold. In addition the bar code is always placed towards the bottom corners.
How this has influenced my planning and creativity
- I will take into consideration of placing shadows behind certain words to create a three dimensional effect.
- Also the puff looks exciting as the shape is unusual.
- In addition I like the use of colour for certain parts of writing to draw attention there.
Friday, 21 October 2016
Research: Checking my Masthead

This cut away proves that 'The Indiependent' isn't a music magazine.
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Research: Masthead Survey Conclusion
I found out from asking my target audience that they most preferred the retro looking masthead. My target audience also voted for two other mastheads, with 7 votes each, this shows that these also both appeal to the target audience but not as much as the masthead with 9 votes. I found out that from my research a few of the mastheads I chose do not relate to the theme indie as these did not get a single vote. In conclusion I found that the retro masthead was the favourite, as a result of this I will use this as my final masthead.
Planning: Initial Ideas for Photographs
My Photography of Initial Backgrounds
I had taken all of these images in my local woodland area as I thought these would create great backdrops for my music magazine.
This would make a good backdrop as this image is not busy therefore would not distract the readers attention away from the image. Although this image is quite dark therefore making the model not stand out.
I think that this photograph is ideal for the background as it is very natural which links to the genre. I also think this setting would create a lot of natural light as well as dark some darker light. I am considering using this in my music magazine as I really like how the trees are set apart and leave a path way, I would place my model in the middle of the trees to create a focus point.
This photograph would be appropriate for my magazine as this could represent one side of the artist having a dark side (the dark trees) and having a nice side (the lighter trees on the right).
I wouldn't use this image for my magazine as personally I don't think it is very appealing to the target audience. However I like how there are trees in the horizon and shrubbery in the foreground, therefore creating depth in the image.
I may use this in my music magazine as the water represents purity, this is what indie singers are as they are natural and honest. I will sit my model on the log in a relaxed pose to represent what they are like as an artist.
I wouldn't use this for my music magazine as this wouldn't make a good background. This is because the trees would be in line with the model therefore creating sections in my magazine that I don't want.
This photograph would be appropriate for my music magazine because I could place the model on the tree stump in the background and take a wide shot. However this wouldn't be a good idea as the model would not be the focus point of the photograph.
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