The colour of the masthead is a bold red, this stands out and links to the genre of music as this is a pop/rock magazine. The connotation of red is danger this magazines is rock/pop therefore suggesting that these artists are a threat to the music industry. The masthead is also positioned in the top left corner, this is a very common code for Q as they use this in every magazine. The size of the Q is very large due to there only being a single letter this is very unique as most magazines don't use a single letter. The masthead follows the house style throughout all their magazines, therefore the magazine is easily identified by customers. A flag is covering almost half of the masthead, but as this magazine is well known it doesn't change that it is recognisable. The masthead also includes a slogan 'the world's greatest music magazine'
Central Image
The central image is of Liam Gallagher a member of the band Oasis. He is wearing an astronaut suit this may be because he is promoting a new album or because he is showing a sense of authority. This links to Richard Dyer's theory 'a star is an image' but Liam is a artist so he isn't actually an astronaut. The photograph is taken in a studio and is totally artificial. Liam is stood in a posture resembling arrogance this links to the quote from him as he says 'But I wanna be The Man'. This also links to Dyers theory as he may not actually be 'The Man' and is putting this on to advertise the magazine. As Liam is dressed in an astronaut suit this links to the head line as Q say 'LIAM'S ON A MISSION'. This issue of the magazine is quite busy therefore appealing to a target audience of ages 16-25.Head Line
The font is in san serif, this is a common code that Q use throughout there magazine. Another feature about the head line is that there is a slight shadow behind it, this is used to make the writing distinctive.
Pull Out

Q uses this as a pull out, however this is very unusual as this breaks Q's own conventions. On the front of the magazine they only show Liam Gallagher, but as this is the pull out they show the rest of the band members, this may have been done because there may be a relation to them somewhere within the magazine.

This puff is bright yellow, the editor has done this because it contrasts against the background as a result this stands out on the magazine. The wording that is used in the puff is very inviting as they use 'again' implying they have done it before.
How has this research influenced my creativity and planning
- I like how the puffs have been used in bright colours to stand out.
- I like how they have used the banner in gold to give the magazine a classy look, I may use his style in my music magazine.
- The pull out in this is y favourite part because it is very different and appealing.
A good start with relevant use of subject terminology and cutaways. To improve add theory and highlight subject terminology.