Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Friday, 9 December 2016
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Construction: Double Page Spread Article
Adeline Oakes rose to fame as a young teenager with a big dream, a dream that only a few experience in there life. Oakes made a YouTube channel at the age of 14 and posted regular videos of her singing with so much passion and emotion. Many videos made included the youngster playing the guitar. Through her YouTube channel Oakes became a vast sensation. Nationally she'd become so recognised that she'd be stopped in the street for autographs and soon had to have her own security. At the weekend we met up with Adeline to get more insight into her rise to fame.
Where did you grow up? Who with?
Where did you grow up? Who with?
grew up in a small rural village in North Lincolnshire with my mother. Living in a village doesn't really lead on to give many opportunities for young teenagers but I actually miss the peace and quiet sometimes. I grew up there with my mum. Times were sometimes hard but we always had each other so we were fine.
What was different about your childhood
compared to other young people?
my childhood was a little hard compared to others as I lived with a disabled mother,
which resulted in me being a young carer. It was particularly difficult at
school as my friends never really understood my home situation. I missed out on
a lot of activities for example, sleepovers and cinema trips.
How did this affect your music?
Well, surprisingly, this affected my music career in a positive way as I felt (and still feel) I can rely on music as an escape. Music for me was always a big part of me as I find that you can express a lot of emotion through it. When I was missing activities with my friends, I'd be at home practicing or writing new songs.
What were your inspirations as a child?
As a teenager I'd always wanted to have a career in music as I felt it was an escape from my everyday life as well as something that I could enjoy. I had begun listening to the Arctic Monkeys and Oasis at a young age as my mother really liked them. They were my biggest inspirations in life as I adored their music style as it's very alternative but yet very popular. I feel the lyrics mean a lot yet you can still party and dance along - they're both emotional and fun.
How did your dreams come true?
My dreams started becoming a reality when one of my YouTube videos became viral, my channel subscribers increased dramatically. I started being recognised in the street and soon people started asking for autographs. As my channel began gaining recognition, record labels began offering me contracts. That was when I knew my dream had come true. The day I got my first offer my mum and I just sat and cried with joy: it was unreal.
Who would you like to thank?
I thank my mother everyday for the help and guidance she gave me throughout my journey. She's an amazing woman and I hope I can give back just an ounce of what she's given me. I would also like to say a huge thank you to all of my fans: I would not be here if it wasn't for them. You're all amazing, guys.
What are your plans for the future? Any
tour dates?
I plan on touring with The 1975 in the summer, I'm super excited for it as I've been a huge fan of the band as long as I can remember. Then I hope to get back in the studio and make my next single and hopefully album. Bloody hell, I never thought I'd be saying that!
I plan on touring with The 1975 in the summer, I'm super excited for it as I've been a huge fan of the band as long as I can remember. Then I hope to get back in the studio and make my next single and hopefully album. Bloody hell, I never thought I'd be saying that!
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Planning: Selection & Rejection - Double Page Spread
I found that the 2 photographs above would be best for my double page spread because the model looks into the camera therefore adhering to conventions. In addition the photographs are very sharp and not blurry unlike some of the others.
These are my final photographs, which I decided will be located on my double page spread. I had taken all of these images at the local woodland area as I thought this was the ideal place for my photo shoot.
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Research: Analysis of Target Audience 2
I asked a few people from my target audience of what they thought of my music magazine drafts. I asked both genders from the age of 16 - 18.
6 of which were 16 years
3 of which were 17 years
and 1 of which was 18
2 were boys
8 were girls
Question 1 was - How do you consume (read/buy) print media?
7 people said that they read print media
1 person consumes a hard copy
1 person consumes print media through her phone and occasionally buys magazines.
Reading print media is useful as my target audience will have to read my magazine.
Question 2 was - If you don't buy/download print media, why?
The whole of my target audience said that this question was not applicable.
This means that my target audience consume print media in some way, therefore they would consume my magazine in some way.
Question 3 was - What would encourage you on the magazine to buy/download it?
3 people said an exciting cover story would appeal to them
2 people said that free items would appeal to them
2 people said if the star appeal to them
2 said an exciting masthead would appeal to them
1 person said bright colours would appeal to them
I will take all these in to consideration whilst creating my music magazine as I want to get the best possible result I can. Adding an exciting cover story will be useful otherwise my target audience wont read the magazine.
Question 4 was - What colour scheme would be most appropriate for the genre indie?
Question 5 was - For what purpose would you read a music magazine for
6 of which were 16 years
3 of which were 17 years
and 1 of which was 18
2 were boys
8 were girls
Question 1 was - How do you consume (read/buy) print media?
7 people said that they read print media
1 person consumes a hard copy
1 person consumes print media through her phone and occasionally buys magazines.
Reading print media is useful as my target audience will have to read my magazine.
Question 2 was - If you don't buy/download print media, why?
The whole of my target audience said that this question was not applicable.
This means that my target audience consume print media in some way, therefore they would consume my magazine in some way.
Question 3 was - What would encourage you on the magazine to buy/download it?
3 people said an exciting cover story would appeal to them
2 people said that free items would appeal to them
2 people said if the star appeal to them
2 said an exciting masthead would appeal to them
1 person said bright colours would appeal to them
I will take all these in to consideration whilst creating my music magazine as I want to get the best possible result I can. Adding an exciting cover story will be useful otherwise my target audience wont read the magazine.
Question 4 was - What colour scheme would be most appropriate for the genre indie?
- Green, yellow, black 9 people said this
- Purple, orange, brown 1 person said this
- Red, black orange No one said this
Green, yellow and black seemed to be the best choice that my target audience chose, I will use this colour scheme throughout my magazine, therefore my target audience will like it.
- Entertainment 10 people said that they read magazines for this reason
- Leaning No one said this
- Diversion 3 said this
- Information 5 people said this
Entertainment seemed to be the one my target audience read a magazine for, therefore whilst creating my magazine I will try to make it entertaining. By adding in social media my target audience will have a way of finding more about Indiepenedent as well as enjoying the way they do. Adding a subscribe button and a discount will excite the readers as they are saving money. People also like to read magazines for diversion a this is an escape from there life, therefore I need to make my magazine intriguing. Information is also a reason why my target audience read music magazines, as they want to find out about the star's life.
Question 6 was - What gender would this magazine appeal to?
9 people said females
1 said male
This is what I wanted to achieve through my magazine as there are no indie magazines that appeal to women therefore leaving a gap in the market for me.
Question 7 was - What feature would make the front cover more exciting?
6 people said a puff
1 person said interesting cover story
1 person said bolder writing
1 person said a close up rather than a long shot
1 person said nothing
I will take this onboard when creating my music magazine as I want it to appeal to my target audience as much as I can, so going by what hey say is the best way. Adding a puff onto my front cover will make it more exciting, which is what my target audience want it to be. Bolder writing will intrigue my target audience because there will be different focus points.
Question 8 was - Is my contents page easy to navigate?
All the people I asked said that it is very easy to navigate
This is ideal for the age of my target audience because youths tend to be a little lazier, due to the fact I placed numbers on the images they only have to look instead of read.
Question 9 was - Do the images appeal to you?
All the people I asked said that they do appeal to them
The photographs I displayed in the questionnaire are concert/gig images therefore this will appeal to the age of my target audience as they attend them. The bands that I took the photographs of also appeal to the age of my target audience.
Question 10 was - Is there any synergy throughout my magazine?
All the people I asked said that there is synergy throughout
This is what I wanted to achieve and so asking my target audience I therefore know I have achieved it. By having synergy my whole magazine will link together rather than looking different and not having any synergy at all.
Friday, 25 November 2016
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Saturday, 19 November 2016
Research: Target Audience 3 - Flickr Photographs

Link to my flickr page
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Research: Double Page Spread 4 - Kerrang! (Indie)
How this has influenced my planning and creativity
- I like the use of graphics in the magazine as this creates quite a personal feel.
- I like where the pull quote is located as this draws attention to the text also.
- The use of box outs is intriguing as there used a lot to attract the readers attention.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Words Describing my Target Audience
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Research: Target Audience Profiling
Rhea Green's Slidely by Slidely Slideshow
I created this slidely to portray who my target audience are and to show you there life styles, furthermore, how it links to my music genre.
My goal is to make my magazine for females as there are little indie magazines for women. In order of doing this my magazine will have to have 'girly' features such as flowers. In addition to this my star will be female and will be located on the front cover and double page spread. My star will be represented as a strong independent women as this represents society nowadays. The angle being used will be taken from eye level to avoid my model looking vulnerable or powerful.
My target audience will be the adolescence therefore in my magazine I aim to please them rather than the older generation. To do this I will add social media as the younger generation is based upon this. Furthermore the photographs will be bright and many of them will be concerts and gigs. Through my research I found that magazines targeted at the young have large page numbers as they don't have time to read or are to lazy to.
Target Audience Demographics (Blumler and Katz)
- 17 - 30 year olds
- Female
- Lower - Middle
- Britain
- Any Religion
- 'Tribe Wired' people of which have access to social media or technology
- 'Fun/Atics'
- 'Mainstreamers'
- 'Reformers'
- 'The Individual'
- Diversion
Target Audience (Denis McQuail)
- Entertainment
- Information
- Learning
- Personal Identity
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Research: Identifying Target Audiences
This front cover aims at a target audience of 15-25 year olds and the class would be lower to middle class. I know this as the older generation would not approve of the photograph. The gender would be male and female but mainly male because she is naked and pulling a seductive pose, therefore the magazine have used her for the 'pleasure of men', which is Laura Mulvey's theory. In addition this magazine would purely be for entertainment and diversion. The fonts used are both serif and sans serif therefore being more lively and outgoing this would be more appropriate for adolescence. Cover lines that are used appeal to the young as the relate to what some young people may experience.

This front cover aims at a target audience of 30-60 years due to the fact that most of the younger generation do not listen to this music genre. The class would certainly be upper class because classical music is normally associated with wealth. The gender would be both male and female as both genders will listen to this type of music. This magazine would be used for information, personal identityand entertainment. This magazine is aimed at aspirers, succeeders and the individual.

This magazine front cover aims at a target audience of 30-50 years due to the fact that most of the younger generation do not listen to this genre of music. The class would be middle class. The gender would be both male and female as the features cater to both. the geographical area would mainly be the Westerns as country music is more popular there. The magazine would be used for information, learning and entertainment. In addition this magazine is aimed at aspirers and reformers.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Planning: Star Image
My star will be named Adeline Oakes which is inspired by the artist Elloitt Smiths song title and her last name Oakes is named after a tree as indies are nature lovers. I am aiming to achieve representations of an cheeky but powerful ora for my star as this links to the genre of my magazine. She will be a strong independent young woman who rose to fame through a struggling childhood. My star grew up with only a sister and a mother who was disabled and her only escape was music. My star will be a female artist as the indie scene is male orientated, therefore there will be a gap in the market for this.
I intend for my star to be photographed in a woodland area as this links to my genre because indies are nature lovers, therefore being an ideal place. I also want to break conventions as indie music magazines are usually studio shots therefore being more interesting and intriguing. My star will wear glasses and have unbrushed hair as for a female this is common for indies. In addition she will wear quite alternative and bright clothing as she wants to stand out from the crowd.
I intend for my star to be photographed in a woodland area as this links to my genre because indies are nature lovers, therefore being an ideal place. I also want to break conventions as indie music magazines are usually studio shots therefore being more interesting and intriguing. My star will wear glasses and have unbrushed hair as for a female this is common for indies. In addition she will wear quite alternative and bright clothing as she wants to stand out from the crowd.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Planning: Selection & Rejection - Contents Page
I think that these 2 would both be most appropriate for my contents as they are both bright. Furthermore I especially like the poses as they both represent something different.
I shall in the end crop out the background to attain an all white background.
All of these concert photographs will be placed on my contents page as they are all different yet the same because they are concerts. The bands that played were also indie bands which adheres to my genre.
Monday, 7 November 2016
Planning: Selection & Rejection - Front Cover
These photographs would not suit the front cover as they do not stand out enough therefore the magazine would not sell. Also in one photograph the model isn't looking into the camera this massively breaks conventions.
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Research: Double Page Spread 3 (Indie)
How this has influenced my planning and creativity
- I will consider using synergy to link my image to the headline using similar colours.
- I like how the publisher has used a shadow underneath the lettering to give a three dimensional effect.
- I like how the photographer's name has been placed on the article as many articles don't do this.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Thursday, 3 November 2016
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