Thursday, 26 January 2017
Monday, 23 January 2017
Evaluation Question 4
Who would be the audience for your media product?
Achieved Target Audience - Blumler & Katz
- 17 - 30 years of age - includes inappropriate language
- Female & Male - features stereotypical colours of genders and includes images that appeal to both also
- Lower & Middle class - for working class and university students due to an affordable price and subscription
- Britain - only includes british artists/bands
- Any religion - no specific religion is featured
- 'Tribe Wired' - people who have access to technology and/or social media
- 'Fun/Atics' - young aspirational people who seek fun
- 'Mainstreamers' - consume mainstream text
- Diversion - to escape their day to day life
Achieved Target Audience - Barthes
- Entertainment - achieved through aesthetic enjoyment and escaping, or being diverted from problems
- Information - achieved by satisfying curiosity and general interest
- Learning - achieved by gaining knowledge of life
- Personal Identity - accomplished by identifying with 'celebrities' and finding models of behaviour
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
Evaluation Question 5
How did you attract/address your audience?

Front Cover
My masthead attracts my target audience as its very bright and distinctive. I decided to do this as it is significantly large, so therefore it needs to be enticing. I chose to layer two colours, black and yellow, I did a questionnaire to determine the font used and my target audience chose this, therefore appealing to them.
This puff attracts both males and females, as the colours are stereo-typical for these genders. In addition I did this because I wanted to target both genders as the magazine features male artists.
This address my target audience as the word 'exclusive' will entice them due to the fact that you will only find it in this magazine. I curved the words as this attracts my target audiences age, I did this as it looks more intriguing and outgoing.
I chose to add Indie bands on my front cover, this will appeal to my target audience because they will want to find new information about there favourite bands. I used orange and white as these colours are both different therefor contrasting with another.
This attracts my target audience due to the fact it is social media. I added the main social media websites to this page as a lot of my target audience will use them. This is the main feature which I used to appeal to my target audience as technology is so big. This also targets 'tribe wired' people as they have access to technology and/or social media.
This targets class (lower-middle) due to the price as it is significantly low. This attracts my target audience of university students and the working class because this price is affordable for them.
This attracts my target audience because the size is substantial, which is therefore noticeable.
I found that these photographs most definitely appealed to my target audience, because these gig photographs are of Indie bands. I made a questionnaire to see if these photographs attracted them and all the people I asked said they did, therefore showing that these images are ideal for my contents page. Furthermore this would intrigue fun/atics as they seek fun (gigs/concerts) like this therefore being intriguing.
All of this text will target my target audience as there are famous Indie bands located here. I added female artists in as well so this appeals to both males and females. This appeals to 'mainstreamers' as they consume ordinary text.
Placing this on my contents page appeals to university students as they can get a deal on a magazine and yet not have to pay extortionate prices.
This floral design appeals to females as flowers are stereo-typically associated with women.By doing this I attracted a female audience to my magazine. I included these also, as this is aesthetically pleasing, therefore being entertaining.
Having this placed on my magazine will entice my target audience as they will want this magazine because it was voted the best. By doing this the consumer will satisfy their curiosity.

I decided that I would add green spots to the background of my contents page as this makes the magazine look busy, this therefore targets my target audience as they are young and bright. Furthermore this is aesthetically pleasing, therefore diverting the reader from there problems/day to day life.
Double Page Spread
This photograph of my star attracts my target audience because she is of similar age, therefore showing them they are capable. The outfit she is wearing also appeals to them and she is dressed in affordable clothing that some people may like, therefore making her become an idol. The pose links to Mulvey's theory 'male gaze' as this pose is quite femine.
This font is aimed at my target audience as it's quite childish and quirky, therefore being appealing to them. I decided to draw petals around some of the lettering as this is different, but yet is very unique. In addition this is also aesthetically pleasing.
This targets my target audience as there is slang used, this is therefore the language many youths use. The words 'Bloody hell' are used as this intrigues my target audience. I chose green as this links with the stand first and also appeals to my target audience.
I found that this appeals to my target audience as many youths watch and even record videos on YouTube therefore aiming at them as well as aspirers.
A drop capital appeals to my target audience as the font is scribbled therefore looking quite childish.
This has been text wrapped as this makes the page look more quirky. I used the words 'I missed out' as a pull quote to intrigue the reader.
This appeals to aspiring photographers as they can see what other work that particular photographer has done.
In conclusion I think that I have targeted my target audience very well as I have taken into consideration colours, fonts, size and shapes.
Thursday, 12 January 2017
Monday, 2 January 2017
Evaluation Question 7
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
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